Kapala in Sanskrit means skull and bhati is to shine or to clean. It cleanses the respiratory tract including the nasal passages and the capillaries of the lung. It helps in the elimination of gases from the lung and purifies frontal portion of the brain. It aids in combating chronic bronchitis, asthma, cerebral thrombosis, diabetes and nervous disorders caused by excessive wind, bile and phlegm. It relaxes, revitalizes the mind and improves concentration.
Sit in meditative posture.
Keep your spine and neck erect perfectly vertical to the ground.
Practice rapid breathing with active and forceful exhalation and passive inhalation. During each exhalation blast out the air by vigorous flapping movements of the abdomen in quick succession.
Inhale passively by replacing the abdominal muscles at the end of each exhalation.
Repeat the exhalation as quickly as possible at the rate of 60 strokes per min.
At the one minute stop the practice.
Now observe an automatic suspension of breath. Infact there will be no urge for breathing for a few seconds.
Simultaneously the mind may experience a deep state of silence enjoy this state of deep rest and freshness. Wait until the breathing come back to normal.
Physical: Brain cells are invigorated. It brings brightness to the face with regular practice. It balance and strengthens the nervous system. It removes the drowsiness from the body.
Therapeutic: It provides a nice massage to all the abdominal organs. People with digestive problems are highly benefitted. It cleanses the lungs and also the entire respiratory tract. It is good for asthmatics and for other respiratory disorders.
Spiritual: It removes the distraction of the mind and prepares it for meditation. The practitioner achieved a state of Kerala Kumbhaka i.e. automatic cessation of breath. Limitations: Practice of Kapalbhati is to be avoided in case of moderate and severe high blood pressure. Ischemic heart disease, vertigo, epilepsy, hernia, gastric ulcer, slip disc and spondylosis. Women during menses and advance stage of pregnancy should be avoid.
Note: In the beginning it may not be possible continuously at the rate of 60 stokes per min. Therefore one can start at the rate of 10 to 20 stokes per minute and repeat it 2 or 3 rounds with normal breathing intervals of a few seconds with regular daily practice you can increase the speed to 60-120 strokes per minute.