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Feel Like Home



When Ama (toxins) and Vata simultaneously get vitiated and enters Sandhi (joints) finally leading to Stabdhata (stiffness) of the body, the condition is known as Amavata.

Viruddha Ahara (unwholesome diet), Viruddha Chesta (erroneous habits), Mandagni (diminished Agni), Nishchalata (sendantry habits), any type of exertion immediately after taking Snigdha Ahara (unctuous food) are the main aetiological factors responsible for production of Amavata. Taking Ushana(hot) and Sheeta (cold) substances immediately after one another.

    • Sedentary life.
    • Suppression of natural urges (Vegavidharana)
    • Day time sleeping (Divasvapa)
    • Awakening at night (Ratrijagarana )
    • Performing such acts which are beyond one’s capacity (Sahasa)
    • Excessive indulgence in sexual act. (Atimaithuna)
    • Any type of physical involvement just after taking meal viz exercise, sexual act, horse riding etc.
    • Cold water bath (Sheetodaka Snana )
    • Exposure to eastern wind
    • Sleeping on an uneven bed.

The causes and prognosis of rheumatoid arthritis is very difficult to predict because of its variability. 25% of the severe patients may have complete remission of symptoms and fit for all normal activities 40% of the cases suffer with moderate type of functional impairment despite exaggeration and remission. 25% may be more severely disabled and 10% may be severely crippled almost limited to bed.

Langhana :-Any measure which brings in Laghuta (lightness) in body is known as Langhana.
Vamana, Virechana, Asthapana (type of enema) and Shirovirechana (type of nasya), Pipasa (thirsty), Maruta, Atapa (sun heat), Pachana (digesting medicine), Upavasa (fast) and Vyayama (exercise).

Svedana :-
Svedana is the process, which causes perspiration, destroys stiffness, heaviness of the body and cold. In Ayurveda different varieties of Svedana has been said viz. Sagnisveda (with fire), Niragnisveda (without fire), Rukshasveda (dry), Snigdhasveda (unctous) of which Rukshasveda with Baluka (hot sand) is usually done.

Tikta-Katu (bitter- pungent) and Deepana (increasing the agni) Dravyas :-
Tikta & Katu Rasa are Laghu (light), Ushana (hot) and Tikshana (strong in action) in properties which are very useful for Ama Pachana (digestion of ama). These are also Deepana and Pachana. So by means of these properties digestion of Ama, restoration of Agni (Deepana) removal of excessive Kapha and bringing of the Pakva Dosha (digested) to the Kostha (G.I. track) from the Shakha (extremeties) takes place.

Virechana (Purgation therapy):-
Virechana is a therapy which is indicated in Shodhana purpose. By virtue of it the Dosha are eliminated by Adhomarga (rectal route), It has been advocated that Dosha remain Leena (melted) in the Srotas and if Shodhana is not performed Dosha can aggravate again. So proper elimination of Dosha is very essential. After the Langhana, Svedana, Deepana Pachana Dhosha comes in Nirama (without toxins) state and from Shakha to the Kostha Virechana with suitable drug should be performed.

Snehapana :-
A medicated Sneha processed in Ushana (hot), Katu, Tikta Rasa drugs is very effective both for Ama and Vata.

Basti is best procedure to control vitiated Vata Dosha. Vata is the second important pathognomic factor of Amavata. So Basti is very helpful in Amavata. As the disease attains chronicity the Vata becomes more Pravriddha (strong). Basti is very useful in this stage.

Prevent the accumulation of Ama in the body.