Panchkarma is an integral part of an ancient art of Holistic Healing Ayurveda. It is based on cleansing of biological triads (Vata, Pitta, & Kapha) of body to maintain an optimum state of physiological balance. Ayurveda believes that equilibrium of biological triads sustains health & longevity. Upakarma are associated treatments of Panchkarma that are used to bring out the best of healing powers of the body. Sarvang Abhyanga rejuvenates every part of the body by transporting oxygen to all areas. Shirodhara brings serenity to mind aligning Mind-Body & Soul. Vaman (Induced Vomiting), Virechan (Induced Purgation), Basti (Medicated Enema) are meant for the bodily cleansing through various pre & post operative procedures. Nasya (Nasal Cleansing) is meant for cleansing of biological triads pertaining to head, neck & brain area. Rakta-mokshana (Bloodletting) is meant for those stubborn doshas spread all over the body. Panchkarma along with Yoga, Nature-cure, Physiotherapy & Meditation completes the healing experience at Kayakalp.