One of the unique institute to practice Nature-Cure, Panchkarma, Physiotherapy and Yoga under one roof. The idea is to spread awareness about traditional systems of healing and play a pivotal role in public health management. Traditional wisdom of healing unified with state-of-the-art infrastructure providing health seekers an environment for optimum healthy experience.
Personal and cross-consultation, that includes traditional systems of holistic healing and the best therapies to unleash the body’s self healing power with the help of our experts.
We believe, ‘Meditation’ is better than medication.’ At Kayakalp we understand the importance of Meditation in healing and propagating health. Meditation purifies Mind, Body, Soul and thinking is separated from perceiving so that the individual can stand apart from the emotional self. Different kind of techniques of mediation are taught and performed according to the need of the participants. Guided meditations are taught daily and health seekers are encouraged to practice in routine. There is a proper arrangement for a single meditator in DhyanMandir wherein the seeker can experience the state of absolutes bliss by focusing on the replica of ‘Om’.
A garden dedicated to 9 Planetary bodies to attract Positive vibrations and Divine energies in the campus. It is a place represented by the plants and trees which have the forces of 9 planets, where health seekers can sit and avoid the ill-effects of NavGraha (9 planets).
Gokul was conceptualised at Kayakalp aiming at rearing and breeding indigenous cows. Apart from its religious and spiritual relevance, cow products have enormous medicinal values. Scientists have concluded lower fat levels in indigenous cow’s milk, and also it is easier to digest. Due to the presence of A2 milk protein and lower cholesterol levels, it remains healthy for consumption. Gir, Sahiwal and Tharparkar breeds are the speciality of ‘Gokul’. Milk produced from ‘Gokul’ is served to health seekers at Kayakalp. Cow dung and cow urine is used as a fertiliser and pesticide in the garden to promote zero budget farming.
Kayakalp is a Temple of Healing. Our relationship with those who seek treatments with us is more than a customer and service provider. We consider them ‘health-seekers’ and we provide conducive environment for optimum healing.
‘We are dedicated for those who are sincere to themselves’.