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Feel Like Home


Physiotherapy, a science that seeks to improve movement dysfunctions, promotes optimal health and functions of human body is a speciality at Kayakalp. Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation unit are equipped with state-of-the-art equipments which brings higher standards of service. Patient’s education is a speciality at the heart of Kayakalp. We provide Do’s and Don’ts about Condition, Injury Management – Prevention, Lifestyle Modification & Postural Modification. At Kayakalp range of Physiotherapy extends from Electrotherapy Modalities, Exercise Therapy, Manual Therapy, Dry Needling to Cupping Therapy & many more. Our multi-disciplinary integrated approach at Kayakalp is unique. One-on-one consultation gives personalized experience at Kayakalp.

Sr. No.TreatmentCharges (Rs.)
1.Contrast Bath165
2.EMG Biofeed Back (Partial)330
3.EMG Biofeed Back (Full)660
4.Therapeutic Ultrasound (U.S. -I JT)110
5.Therapeutic Ultrasound (U.S. II JT.)130
6.Therapeutic Ultrasound (U.S. III JT)155
7.Therapeutic Ultrasound  (U.S. More than III JT.)165
8.Combination Therapy (I JT.)165
9.Combination Therapy (II JT.)190
10.Combination Therapy (More than two JT.)220
11.Traction Cervical / Lumbar / Knee130
12.Traction II JT.190
13.Traction more than II JT.220
14.Magneto Therapy165
15.Laser Therapy  I JT.145
16.Laser Therapy II JT.165
17.Laser Therapy III JT.190
18.Laser Therapy more than III Joint220
19.Wax bath II JT.110
20.Wax bath more than II Joint145
21.Short Wave Diathermy (SWD – I Joint)110
22.Short Wave Diathermy (SWD – II Joint)132
23.Short Wave Diathermy (SWD more than II joint)155
24.Continuous Passive Motion (CPM – I knee)165
25.Continuous Passive Motion (CPM – both knee)220
26.Moist Heat Therapy  (MHT- II joint)110
27.Moist Heat Therapy (MHT more than II joint)130
28.Vacuum Vectron  (V.V)110
29.Vacuum Vectron (V.V II Joint)130
30.Vacuum Vectron (More than II joint)155
31.Tilt table without Exercise165
32.Tilt table with partial Exercise330
33.Interferential Therapy (IFT- I JT)110
34.Interferential Therapy (IFT- II JT.)130
35.Interferential Therapy (I.F.T. III JT.)155
36.Interferential Therapy (I.F.T. IV JT.)175
37.Partial Exercise220
38.Full Exercise385
39.Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (T.E.N.S. I JT.)110
40.Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (T.E.N.S. II JT.)130
41.Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (T.E.N.S. More than two JT.)155
42.ICE Pack90
43.Electrical Stimulation275
44.Microwave Diathermy (M.W.D. – I joint)120
45.Microwave Diathermy (M.W.D. – II joint)145
46.Microwave Diathermy (M.W.D. more than II joint)165
47.Longwave Diathermy (L.W.D. – I joint)110
48.Longwave Diathermy (L.W.D. II joint)130
49.Longwave Diathermy (L.W.D. more than II joint)155
50.Ultraviolet Therapy (Single)165
51.Ultraviolet Therapy (Multiple)220
52.Dry Needling (1 joint)100
53.Dry Needling (2 joint)150
54.Dry Needling (more than 2 joint)200
55.Cupping therapy (1 joint)100
56.Cupping therapy (2 joint)150
57.Cupping therapy (more than 2 joint)200

* Medicated Oil charges will be extra. Above tariff and treatment charges etc. will be applicable from 1st October 2018. GST, if applicable, will be charged extra.

In addition to the above treatment charges, the following room heating charges will be extra during winter season: –

For HeaterRs. 120 per day
For BlowerRs. 140 per day
For Heat PillarRs. 140 per day

Pure natural vegetarian food will only be served to the patients as prescribed by the Physician. Tea, Coffee, Cold drinks will not be served. No food can be brought from outside.

Terms & Conditions: –

  • All treatments will be strictly carried out based on our Doctors’ prescriptions. The patients will not request or seek any type of treatment.
  • All In-patients will not normally be allowed to go out during their entire stay in this institute except in case of emergency and that too with prior permission of the institute authorities.  Since such visits would impinge upon the routine treatment and will be detrimental to their health and speedy recovery, the patients are advised to stay within the institute for the period of treatment.
  • The management reserves the right of discharging any patient without assigning any reasons.
  • We administer the drugless therapy, hence drugs / medicines of any system will have to be discontinued after disclosing the same to the Doctors, who, if considered necessary, will advise tapering of medicine before completely stopping the same.
  • Patients are not allowed to carry their mobiles phones inside the treatment sections.
  • Please do not bring any jewelry / valuables. Cash, in excess, may be deposited on a receipt, with the cashier, for safety.  The institute does not take any responsibility for any loss.
  • Patients are advised to look after their belongings themselves during their stay in the institute.
  • The Institute reserves the right to carry out check of the luggage / room of the patient(s) to preclude the chances of eatables / objectionable materials finding their way in the rooms.
    (i) Smoking is strictly prohibited in entire campus.
    (ii) Tobacco products, Drugs, Alcohol, Zarda, Panmasala & Gutka etc. are strictly forbidden.
  • Patients undergoing rejuvenation treatment will be allowed to go out for sight-seeing and visiting temples etc. on permission of the Doctors.
  • Patients above 60 years age are treated as Senior Citizens.

Please Note:
No treatments are provided in this institute for AIDS, Cancer, Acute Cardiac diseases, Tuberculosis and Infectious Diseases.