Yoga –This ancient Indian Art of keeping the body, mind and soul healthy, happy and tranquil needs no introduction today. Since Yoga is getting popular equally among those seeking spiritual solace and suffering with physical ailments, alack of professionally trained yoga teachers has failed to fill demand and supply chain. As the popularity of Yoga is increasing, Kayakalp comes forward to impart Yoga wellness instructor course for those seeking a holistic vocation and respectable livelihood. We at Kayakalp offering Yogawellness Course for beginner to learn and master the art of Yoga.
Level 1 – Yoga wellness Instructor (YWI)
Yogawellness Instructor course is a very basic or foundation course for those who want to pursue the knowledge of Yoga for individual and teaching the mass in form of a group class or individual class within the purview of the learning during the course.
A Kayakalp certified YogawellnessInstructor Course for those who wish to seek a basic knowledge of yoga and learn its physical practices (asanas) under the guidance of experienced yoga professionals.
Affiliation – Kayakalp Yoga School (YPI-Level-1/YWI-Level-II) affiliated from Yoga Certification Board (YCB), Moraraji Desai National Institute of Yoga, New Delhi.
Aims & Objectives
- To enable the seeker for providing basic yoga training at community level.
- To pursue a career as an individual yoga instructor
- Yoga instructor course is designed to provide basic knowledge of Yoga and its mental, physical and spiritual impact on day to day life
- 200 hours of foundation course of YogaProtocol Instructor (YPI)
- To develop and adopt the best yoga methodologies
- To create a pool of enthusiastic yoga learners for future needs of Kayakalp
Duration of the course
- Total No. of hours – 400 Hrs. Yoga wellness Instructor (YWI)
- Theory – 120 Hrs. [90 Hrs. (75%) contact hrs. with teachers and the remaining hrs. can be self learning].
- Practical – 280 Hrs. [170 Hrs. (60%) contact hrs. with teachers and the remaining hrs. can be self practice].
- Total No. of months – 3 months
- Days per week – 5 days
- Hours per day – 6 hours
Commencement of the YWI:-1stDecember to February 2020