‘Gokul’ was conceptualized at Kayakalp aiming at rearing and breeding indigenous cows. Apart from its religious and spiritual relevance, cow products have enormous medicinal value. Scientists have concluded lower fat levels in Indigenous cow’s milk, and also it is easier to digest. Due to the presence of A2 milk protein and lower cholesterol levels, it is assumed to be healthy for consumption.
Gir, Sahiwal and Tharparkar breeds are the speciality of ‘Gokul’. Milk produced from ‘Gokul’ is served to Health Seekers at Kayakalp. Cow dung and cow urine is used as a fertilizer and pesticide in the garden to promote Zero budget farming.
एतद् वै विश्वरूपम् सर्वरूपम् गोरूपम्।।
“Visible world around us is representation of holy cow”